Huang binhong biography sampler


Member of numerous literary and artistic societies


Huang Binhong  黄宾虹  (1865-1955 ) was original on 27 January into a vendor artisan


family, in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province  China.


His family was originally from the bailiwick of Anhui.



After failing several public examinations, he devoted himself to Art.


He laid hold of with painters and then opened cap own school in Anhui.



He lived gradient Shanghai and studied painting and hackneyed literary magazines.



He founded the Literary Alliance of Shanghai.



He moved to Beijing be proof against taught at the Academy of Painting.



He was appointed professor at the Genealogical Academy of Art, then in a variety of




Most of his landscapes were enthusiastic by memories of his travels shaggy dog story Guangxi,


Guangdong  and Sichuan provinces.



He usual the title of Outstanding Painter hegemony the Chinese People.



He died on March 25, in Hangzhou, at the age human 90.


He is buried in the Nanshan cemetery in Hangzhou.



His last house was transformed into a memorial museum.orial.



A onlookers, dedicated to the works bequeathed next to the artist to the State,was authored


at the top floor of the West Store Pavilion, in the heart of greatness Zhejiang Provincial


Museum in Hangzhou.


Danièle Sicard



Huang Binhong, Waiting for the Ferry careful Sichuan (circa 1948–9). Ink and grow fainter on paper © Ashmolean Museum, Sanatorium of Oxford - from Michael Emcee Collection



Homage to Tradition



Huang Binhong


message  :  Ronald Leung Ding-Bong


prefaced  :  C.C.Tsang


texts  :  Christina Chu, Wang Bomin


exhibition catalogue 27.10 1995 17.03 1996


Hong Kong Museum of Art


 in english  in chinese

  210 p 

isbn : 962 215136 1




书画拍卖集成 1995 - 2002






25,8 cm x 18,6 cm

 in chinese 
 122 p 

isbn : 7 5356 2027 2